What's new February 2019

Property price history
We're now tracking asking price changes for all properties currently for sale or let nationwide. You'll find the new 'Price history' chart on our property reports, accessed via the Local Data tool or directly from the portals with your browser extension.

Property valuations
We've launched the first version of our Automated Valuation Model (AVM) this month. The UK's only AVM to use our class-leading £/sqft database, we'll be constantly improving the formula for our valuations over the coming months.

Expert forecasts
Generally we stick to the task of analysing the current state of the property market (and recent changes) in careful detail. But we've entered the world of forecasting, by carefully collating selected expert forecasts to produce a consensus 5-year forecast for each UK region.

Properties reduced by 10%+
We launched a new list of properties this month using our new price tracking software to automatically identify properties reduced in asking price for 10% or more, indicating possible seller pressure. We've also revamped our property lists around UK regions.

Stations added to plot map
We have added train stations to our Plot Data hi-res property and plot maps, allowing you to identify nearby public transport options for properties. We plan to use this data in clever ways later this year.
Feature ideas? Questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes,
The PropertyData team