What's new August 2020

Recent transactions on Plot Map
The Plot Map is now showing recent transactions (last 12 months) in addition to properties on market, and all the other usual data.
Look for the orange 'T' in a circle.

Analyse buildings
A powerful new feature on the Plot Map tool to analyse building footprints on a plot.
Find out the footprint of each individual building, as well as the total built footprint on the plot, and what % of the plot this represents.

New postcode columns
Two new columns on the national postcode table to help you choose investment area: 'private rent' and 'UK region'.
As a result, you can now use filters to identify for each postcode districts in the South West where more than 40% of properties are rented privately.

Valuation .pdf custom heading
On property valuation PDFs, you can now customise the page heading.
You might add the property's address or development reference (e.g. 'Proposed Unit 3B, Development Name').
Feature ideas? Questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes,
The PropertyData team