API changes March 2021
Plot size added to /title-info method
We've recently added plot size (in acres) to the data returned for a given land title in England & Wales when you supply a Land Registry title number. Remember, you can use /freehold-titles to identify freehold titles and their title numbers near a postcode.
Filter min/max sqft on £/sqft methods
On /prices-per-sqf and /sold-prices-per-sqf, you can now add filter for minimum and maximum property sizes to consider, in order to find more relevant comparables.
/council-tax now returns properties
The /council-tax API method now returns a list of nearby properties and their council tax bands, in addition to the average Band D rate payable for the relevant local authority.
New /listed-buildings method
This new method returns up to 10 of the closest listed buildings to the full postcode provided. Data includes listing grade and date listed. This method currently only covers England.
Find sourced properties with /sourced-properties
The new /sourced-properties method replaces the /property-list method for finding properties on our Sourcing lists (e.g. unmodernised, reposessed, etc). Find properties using a postcode & radius, and control how many properties are returned. The old /property-list method will be deprecated in June 2020.
Check specific sourced properties with /property-info
For properties on retrieved via our /sourced-properties method, you can now use this new method to retrieve any updates (e.g. price changes) and confirm that the property is still on the market.
Feature ideas? Questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes,
The PropertyData team