All the possible errors returned by the PropertyData API, with further explanation and recommended actions:
Code | Message | Explanation / recommended action |
X01 | Invalid API endpoint | Check the API endpoint is spelled correctly and that it follows immediately after the base URL, e.g. If in doubt, try with the example URL from the documentation first. |
X02 | Missing input: key | You have not supplied an API key. Every PropertyData API request requires a key, in the querystring using the variable 'key'. If you're logged in to PropertyData, the example URLs in the API documentation are automatically populated with your API key. |
X03 | Invalid input: key | You supplied an API key, but it was not recognised. Check that your key is correct. Note that this is the error you would receive if you regenerated your API key in your account home, but were trying to use the old key in your application. |
X04 | Monthly plan limit exceeded: N API credits | You have reached your API plan credit limit. Note that API credit limits are reset at 00:01 on the first day of each calendar month. Consider upgrading your plan. |
X05 | Account associated with API key cancelled or card declined | The PropertyData account associated with the API key you supplied has been cancelled or had it's card declined. Login and reactivate the account if you wish to continue using the PropertyData API. |
X06 | Missing input: postcode or location | You have not supplied a postcode or location. Most API endpoints require either a UK postcode or lat,lng location, in the querystring using the variable 'postcode' or 'location' respectively. |
X07 | Invalid input: postcode | The postcode you supplied was not recognised as a full UK postcode. Most of the time this means the postcode is not valid, although it can also mean the postcode is newly allocated. Try a different postcode. |
X07A | Invalid input: location | The location you supplied was not recognised as a point of latitude, longitude in the UK. The location parameter should be provided as '&location=51.4888598,-0.2078436' for example. |
X07B | Invalid input: w3w | The what3words 3 work address you supplied was not recognised address in the UK. |
X08 | Insufficient data found | Not enough relevant data points could be found to return analytics. See 'Data collection logic' in Getting started to understand more. |
X09 | Uncaught exception | An unexpected error occuring in processing your API request. Please contact us, copying and pasting your API request URL. |
X10 | Full postcode required for this endpoint | You cannot use a postcode district or sector on this endpoint, please use only a full UK postcode. |
X11 | Endpoint only available in [COUNTRIES] | Due to source data limitations, some PropertyData API endpoints are only available in England or England & Wales. See the Getting started page for a breakdown. |
X12 | Invalid points: min 15, max 100 | If you supply the number of points to analyse, this must be between 15 and 100. Otherwise the default of 20 will be used. |
X13 | Free trial limit exceeded: 500 API credits | During your API free trial you can only use 500 API credits. Please manually start your first month. |
X14 | Key throttled: more than X calls in 10 seconds | You have exceeded the rate limit allowed by your plan. Please throttle your requests accordingly or upgrade your plan. |
SM | Scheduled server maintenance | Very occasionally we take the API down for scheduled server upgrades and/or maintenance. This typically doesn't take more than one hour. |
102 | Invalid filter: bedrooms | The value you supplied in the 'bedrooms' filter variable was not valid. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. |
103 | Invalid filter: type | The value you supplied in the 'type' filter variable was not valid. Consult the valid types list. |
401 | Value provided not recognised or out of range (1 - 10000000) | Stamp duty can only be calculated for prices of £1 to £10,000,000. Enter an integer in this range. |
402 | Country provided not recognised | The value you supplied in the 'country' variable was not valid. Consult the countries list or remove the country value to use 'england' as default. |
403 | A transaction cannot be both for a first-time buyer and an additional property | You entered 1 for both addtional rate stamp duty and first-time property. It is not possible for a transaction to be made both a first-time buyer and as an additional property. |
404 | Mode provided not recognised | The value you supplied for this field was not valid. Valid values for this field are: investment, primary, first_time, non_resi |
405 | Invalid input: transaction_date | The transaction_date input is invalid and must be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' e.g. '2025-03-28' for the 28th March 2025. The transaction_date must be between 6 months ago and 6 months in the future. |
501 | Unable to identify council | We couldn't figure out the council from the valid postcode provided. This should not happen - please contact us us and let us know the postcode, and we will fix this. |
602 | Invalid input: decision_rating | Valid values for decision_rating are 'positive', 'negative' or 'neutral' |
603 | Invalid input: max_age_decision | The valid input for max_age_decision is an integer, minimum 1, maximum 1000. |
604 | No planning applications matching filter | Planning applications were found in this area, but none that matched your filters. |
605 | Invalid input: max_age_update | The valid input for max_age_update is an integer, minimum 14, maximum 1000. |
701 | Missing input: field_name | The named field is missing. All fields are required for valuations. |
702 | Invalid input: field_name | The named field is invalid. Consult the API documentation and accepted valuation options list and correct your inputs. |
801 | Title not found | Unable to find a title number matching the title number you provided. |
901 | Invalid filter: bedrooms | The value you supplied in the 'bedrooms' filter variable was not valid. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. |
902 | Invalid filter: type | The value you supplied in the 'type' filter variable was not valid. Consult the valid types list. |
903 | Invalid filter: class | The value you supplied in the 'class' filter variable was not valid. Valid values are 'old_stock' or 'new_build'. |
904 | Invalid filter: tenure | The value you supplied in the 'tenure' filter variable was not valid. Valid values are 'freehold' or 'leasehold'. |
905 | Invalid filter: max_age | The value you supplied in the 'max_age' filter variable was not valid. Valid values are integers between 3 and 60 inclusive. |
1001 | Not a Greater London postcode | The PTAL endpoint is only available for Greater London postcodes, since it is a Transport for London metric. |
1101 | Missing input: list | You did not provide a property list. This is required. Consult the property lists list. |
1102 | Invalid input: list | The 'list' provided does not match one of our lists. Consult the property lists list. |
1103 | Radius exceeds maximum for this list | This list is particularly large and for technical reasons we cannot support a radius of this size. Please use a smaller radius. |
1104 | Invalid input: radius | The value you supplied in the 'radius' variable was not valid. Radius must be an integer between 1 and 200 inclusive (miles) |
1105 | Invalid input: results | The value you supplied in the 'results' variable was not valid. Results must be an integer between 10 and 500 inclusive |
1201 | Unable to find any schools nearby | We couldn't find any schools near this postcode. |
1202 | Invalid filter: phase | Invalid filter for phase used. Accepted options are: Primary, Nursery, PRU, Secondary, Special |
1301 | Unable to find any restaurants nearby | We couldn't find any restaurants near this postcode. |
1302 | Unable to generate political data | We couldn't generate political data for this postcode or location. |
1401 | Invalid input: finish quality | The value you supplied for finish quality is invalid. Allowed values are 'premium', 'medium' or 'economy'. |
1402 | Missing input: internal area | The internal area input is required, please provide the square footage (min 1,000) |
1403 | Invalid input: internal area | The internal area (in square feet) for the whole development is expected to be numeric and at least 1,000 |
1404 | Invalid input: project_type | The project_type input must be one of the following values: 'new_build', 'refurb_heavy', 'refurb_moderate' or 'refurb_light' |
1405 | Missing input: finish quality | The finish quality input is required. |
1501 | Missing input: bedrooms | You did not provide a number of bedrooms. This field is required for calculating LHA rate. |
1502 | Invalid filter: bedrooms | The value you supplied in the 'bedrooms' filter variable was not valid. Valid values for this field are 1, 2, 3, 4. |
1601 | Invalid filter: grade | The value you supplied in the 'grade' filter variable was not valid. Valid values for this field are: I, II* or II |
1602 | Invalid filter: listed_after | The value you supplied in the 'listed_after' filter variable was not valid. This value needs to be a valid year in YYYY format, eg 1975. |
1701 | Missing input: property_id | You did not provide the id for a property, as returned by the /sourced-properties API endpoint. |
1702 | Invalid input: property_id | The property_id value you supplied was not in the expected format. The property_id parameter should match an id for a property as returned by the /sourced-properties API endpoint. |
1703 | Property (ID: {property_id}) not found | The property could not be found on our Sourcing lists. Either this property has been removed from the market or there is an error in the provided property_id. |
1801 | Missing input: field_name | The named field is missing. All fields are required for development calculation. |
1802 | Invalid input: field_name | The named field is present but is not valid. This field must be a numeric value without any unit prefix or suffix, eg: 100000. |
1803 | Invalid input: project_type | The value you supplied for this field was not valid. Valid values for this field are: refurbish, demolition |
1804 | Invalid input: property_type | The value you supplied for this field was not valid. Valid values for this field are: house, block_of_flats |
1805 | Invalid input: finish_quality | The value you supplied for this field was not valid. Valid values for this field are: premium, medium, basic |
1901 | Missing input: title | You did not provide the title input. A valid land title number is required for this endpoint |
1902 | Invalid input: title | The land title number you provided for this endpoint is not valid. Land title numbers can be found using the /freeholds API endpoint |
1903 | Buildings could not be analysed for this title | We are unable to provide a building analysis for this title plot |
2000 | Use class unknown | We are unable to determine the planning use class for this land registry title |
2100 | UPRN not found | We are unable to find a UPRN record with the provided UPRN |
2101 | No associated titles found | We were able to find the UPRN record but couldn't match it to a title number |
2200 | Invalid input: max_age | The value you supplied in the 'max_age' variable was not valid - max_age must be an integer greater than zero |
2300 | Invalid number of rooms | Room types must be an integer greater than zero |
2301 | Invalid number of rooms | At least two rooms are required to value an HMO |
2302 | Invalid input: finish_quality | The finish_quality field is invalid. Consult the API documentation and accepted valuation options list and correct your inputs. |
2303 | Invalid input: field_name | The named field is invalid. Must be either 'true' or 'false' |
2304 | Error generating HMO valuation | Often due insufficient data available in the HMO's postcode |
2400 | Invalid input: results | The value you supplied in the 'results' parameter was not valid. Results must be an integer between 10 and 200 inclusive |
2401 | Invalid input: strict | The value you supplied in the 'strict' parameter was not valid. This parameter must be either the string 'true' or 'false' |
2500 | Missing input: uprn | You did not provide a Unique Property Reference Number input. A valid UPRN is required for this endpoint |
2501 | No data found for this UPRN | We were unable to provide any data for the supplied UPRN, ensure you are using a valid UPRN |
2600 | Missing input: field_name | The named field is missing and required to calculate rebuild costs |
2601 | Invalid input: field_name | The named field is invalid. Consult the API documentation and accepted rebuild options list and correct your inputs. |
2602 | Processing error | Something went wrong calculating the rebuild cost, the message returned by the API will contain specific guidance. |
2701 | Invalid input: radius | The optional radius field must be between 0.1 and 2.5. |
2800 | Processing error | Unable to find any HMOs, please try again with a different postcode |
2900 | Missing input: documents | The required documents field is missing. |
2901 | Invalid input: documents | The value provided for the documents field is invalid. Consult the API documentation and Accepted Land Registry document options list and correct your inputs. |
2902 | Documents not available: Title Register and Title Plan | Neither the Title Register or Title Plan documents for this title are available for immediate delivery from the Land Registry. |
2903 | Document not available: Title Register | The Title Register document for this title is not available for immediate delivery from the Land Registry. |
2904 | Document not available: Title Plan | The Title Plan document for this title is not available for immediate delivery from the Land Registry. |
2905 | Unable to process your request with the Land Registry | We were unable to process your request with the Land Registry, please try again and if the problem persists, contact PropertyData support. |
2906 | Documents previously purchased | You have previously purchased this set of documents. To override this error and purchase the documents again repeat the call with the 'allow_repurchases' flag set to 'true' |
2907 | Failed payment found on account. | A previous payment on your account has failed, please log in to your account to update payment details or try again. |
2908 | Applications pending on title number. | There are currently applications pending against this title number so we are unable to purchase documents for it at this time. Please try again soon. |
3000 | Unable to find interest rates | Please try again and if the problem persists contact PropertyData support. |
3100 | Missing input: field_name | The named field is missing. All fields are required for mortgage calculations. |
3101 | Invalid input: field_name | The named field is invalid. All fields must be numeric. |
3200 | Missing input: field_name | The named field is missing. |
3201 | No matching UPRNS found | We were unable to find any matching UPRNS with the provided address. |
3300 | Local Authority has not supplied conservation area data | We were unable to determine if this location is within a conservation area as the local authority has not supplied this data. |
3400 | Missing input: field_name | The named field is missing. All fields are required for historic valuations. |
3401 | Invalid input: current_price | The current_price field should be a positive integer. |
3402 | Invalid input: historic_value_year | The historic_value_year field should be an integer between 1973 and 2024 inclusive. |
3403 | Invalid input: historic_value_month | The historic_value_month field should be a full textual month of the year eg. 'January', 'February' ... 'December' |
3404 | Unable to determine historical valuation | We were unable to calculate a historical valuation for this set of inputs, please try a different postcode or date. |
3500 | Invalid input: radius | The value you supplied in the 'radius' input was not valid. Radius must be numeric and between 0.01 and 20 inclusive (miles) |
3501 | Area too large | The area being searched is too large, try reducing the search radius or using a different postcode. |
3502 | Unable to determine postcode area | We were unable to determine an area to search for this postcode, please try either a full or different postcode. |
3503 | Insufficient population | This area has insufficient population to calculate statistics |
3600 | Unable to determine household income for this area | We were unable to determine the average household income for this area, try a different location or a larger area. |
3601 | Unable to determine postcode area | We were unable to determine an area to search for this postcode, please try either a full or different postcode. |
3700 | Invalid input: scale | An invalid value was provided for the 'scale' input. Available scales depend on the paper format selected. See pricing tables for options |
3701 | Requested scale unavailable | The requested scale is not available for this Title. Try using a smaller scale such that the map covers a larger area. |
3702 | No plots found | No land plots associated with the provided title were found. We are unable to generate a site plan for this title at this time. |
3703 | Documents previously purchased | You have previously purchased this set of documents. To override this error and purchase the documents again repeat the call with the 'allow_repurchases' flag set to 'true' |
3704 | Unable to create site plan | Something went wrong creating the site plan, please try the request again and if the problem persists contact support. |
3705 | Failed payment found on account. | A previous payment on your account has failed, please log in to your account to update payment details or try again. |
3706 | Invalid input: paper_format. | An invalid value was provided for the 'paper_format' input. Please provide one of the following options: a4, a3, a2 |
3800 | Invalid input: type | The type field indicates which type of documents should be returned and must be one of the following options 'land-registry-documents', 'site-plans' or 'all' |
3801 | Invalid input: date | The date input is invalid and must be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' e.g. '2024-06-28' for the 28th June 2024. |
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Transparent data promise
Where does the raw data come from?
Property listings seen on, and
How often is the data updated?
The data is updated in near real-time.
What time period does the data cover?
This is a real-time market snapshot - the data covers currently listed properties. Once properties are removed from the portal, they are soon removed from this tab.
How is the raw data processed?
Duplicates from multiple sources are matched and reconciled as far as possible. Listings with obvious errors, where price or number or bedrooms appear out of range, are discarded.
What are the statistics used?
Averages shown are the interquartile mean, a type of average that is insensitive to outliers while being its own distinct parameter. The 80% range means that 80% of the listed properties fall inside this range.
Where does the raw data come from?
Property listings seen on, and
How do you know the square footage of properties?
We use proprietary technology to read the square footage of properties from agent floorplans. Although we cannot determine the square footage for all properties, we can usually get sufficient coverage. Agents are sometimes known to inflate square footage, and this should be borne in mind as a weakness of this data.
How often is the data updated?
The data is updated in near real-time.
What time period does the data cover?
This is a real-time market snapshot - the data covers currently listed properties. Once properties are removed from the portal, they are soon removed from this tab.
How is the raw data processed?
Duplicates from multiple sources are matched and reconciled as far as possible. Listings with obvious errors, where price or number or bedrooms appear out of range, are discarded.
What are the statistics used?
The average shown is the interquartile mean, a type of average that is insensitive to outliers while being its own distinct parameter. The 80% range means that 80% of the listed properties fall inside this range.
Where does the raw data come from?
Property "price paid" data provided by the Land Registry.
How often is the data updated?
Once per month when released by the Land Registry, typically towards the end of each calendar month covering up to the end of the previous calendar month.
What time period does the data cover?
You can customise the time period using the filter at the top of the view. The default time period is up to 9 months back from today's date. The latest data covers the period up to 2025-12-15, although some sales that took place before this date may still be added in the coming months.
How is the raw data processed?
No additional processes are applied to this data.
What are the statistics used?
Averages shown are the interquartile mean, a type of average that is insensitive to outliers while being its own distinct parameter. The 80% range means that 80% of the listed properties fall inside this range.
Where does the raw data come from?
Property "price paid" data provided by the Land Registry, and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) data provided by Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities.
How do you know the square footage of properties?
We match the Land Registry data to EPC data provided by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities. Due to the fact that not all properties sold have had an EPC and vagaries of addressing in the UK, we are not able to determine the square footage of all properties, but we can usually get sufficient coverage.
How often is the data updated?
The private paid data is updated once per month when released by the Land Registry, typically towards the end of each calendar month covering up to the end of the previous calendar month. The energy performance certificate database is updated monthly.
What time period does the data cover?
You can customise the time period using the filter at the top of the view. The default time period is up to 9 months back from today's date. The latest data covers the period up to 2025-12-15, although some sales that took place before this date may still be added in the coming months.
How is the raw data processed?
No additional processes are applied to this data.
What are the statistics used?
The average shown is the interquartile mean, a type of average that is insensitive to outliers while being its own distinct parameter. The 80% range means that 80% of the listed properties fall inside this range.
Where does the raw data come from?
Property listings seen on, and
How often is the data updated?
The data is updated in near real-time.
What time period does the data cover?
This is a real-time market snapshot - the data covers currently listed properties. Once properties are removed from the portal, they are soon removed from this tab.
How is the raw data processed?
Duplicates from multiple sources are matched and reconciled as far as possible. Listings with obvious errors, where price or number or bedrooms appear out of range, are discarded.
What are the statistics used?
The average shown is the interquartile mean, a type of average that is insensitive to outliers while being its own distinct parameter. The 80% range means that 80% of the listed properties fall inside this range.
Where does the raw data come from?
Room let listings on SpareRoom, the UK's biggest room letting website.
How often is the data updated?
The data is updated in near real-time.
What time period does the data cover?
This is a real-time market snapshot - the data covers currently listed properties. Once properties are removed from SpareRoom, they are soon removed from this tab.
How is the raw data processed?
Listings with obvious errors, where price or number or bedrooms appear out of range, are discarded.
What are the statistics used?
The average shown is the interquartile mean, a type of average that is insensitive to outliers while being its own distinct parameter. The 80% range means that 80% of the listed properties fall inside this range.
Where does the raw data come from?
Property listings seen on, and
How often is the data updated?
The data is updated in near real-time.
What time period does the data cover?
This is a real-time market snapshot - the data covers currently listed properties. Once properties are removed from the portal, they are soon removed from this tab.
How is the raw data processed?
Duplicates from multiple sources are matched and reconciled as far as possible. Listings with obvious errors, where price or number or bedrooms appear out of range, are discarded. Yields are calculated by comparing only properties with the same number of bedrooms, e.g. 3-bedroom properties for rent with 3-bedroom properties for sale.
What is the yield calculation used?
The calculation used is (average_weekly_asking_rent * 52 / average_asking_price), expressed as a percentage. It is a top-line gross yield, meaning no expenses are considered.
What are the statistics used?
The average shown is the interquartile mean, a type of average that is insensitive to outliers while being its own distinct parameter. The 80% range means that 80% of the listed properties fall inside this range.
Where does the raw data come from?
Property listings seen on, and
How often is the data updated?
The data is updated in near real-time.
What time period does the data cover?
This is a real-time market snapshot - the data covers currently listed properties. Once properties are removed from Zoopla, Rightmove or Spareroom, they are soon removed from this tab.
How is the raw data processed?
Duplicates from multiple sources are matched and reconciled as far as possible. Yields are calculated by comparing only properties with the same number of bedrooms, e.g. 3-bedroom properties for rent with 3-bedroom properties for sale. For the SpareRoom data, hypothetical properties consisting of two to six average double rooms with shared bathrooms are used to derived average rent. For all sources, listings with obvious errors, where price or number or bedrooms appear out of range, are discarded.
What is the yield calculation used?
The calculation used is (average_weekly_asking_rent * 52 / average_asking_price), expressed as a percentage. It is a top-line gross yield, meaning no expenses are considered.
What are the statistics used?
The average shown is the interquartile mean, a type of average that is insensitive to outliers while being its own distinct parameter. The 80% range means that 80% of the listed properties fall inside this range.
Where does the raw data come from?
Property "price paid" data provided by the Land Registry.
How often is the data updated?
Once per month when released by the Land Registry, typically towards the end of each calendar month covering up to the end of the previous calendar month.
Zoopla Zed-index
What time period does the data cover?
The data covers transactions in the last six years
How is the raw data processed?
No additional processes are applied to this data.
What are the statistics used?
The average shown is the interquartile mean, a type of average that is insensitive to outliers while being its own distinct parameter. The 80% range means that 80% of the listed properties fall inside this range.
Where does the raw data come from?
Property listings seen on, and
How often is the data updated?
The listings data is updated in near real-time. The Land Registry data is updated once per month when released, typically towards the end of each calendar month covering up to the end of the previous calendar month.
What time period does the data cover?
The price paid data shown goes back to January 2015. The listings data is a real-time market snapshot - the data covers currently listed properties. Once properties are removed from the portal, they are soon removed from this tab.
How is the raw data processed?
Duplicates from multiple sources are matched and reconciled as far as possible. Listings with obvious errors, where price or number or bedrooms appear out of range, are discarded.
What are the calculations used?
Average sales per month are for the last 3 finalised months. Turnover is average sales per month divided by total for sale. Inventory is 100 divided by turnover.
Where does the raw data come from?
Property listings seen on, and
How often is the data updated?
The listings data is updated in near real-time. The Land Registry data is updated once per month when released, typically towards the end of each calendar month covering up to the end of the previous calendar month.
What time period does the data cover?
This is a real-time market snapshot - the data covers currently listed properties. Once properties are removed from the portal, they are soon removed from this tab.
How is the raw data processed?
Duplicates from multiple sources are matched and reconciled as far as possible. Listings with obvious errors, where price or number or bedrooms appear out of range, are discarded.
Where does the raw data come from?
We receive data on the extent and corporate ownership of all land titles in England & Wales from the Land Registry.
How often is the data updated?
The data is updated once per month when released, typically in the first few days of each calendar month.
What time period does the data cover?
This is an ownership snapshot - the data represents ownership as recorded by the Land Registry at the last monthly export.
How is the raw data processed?
No additional processes are applied to this data.
Where does the raw data come from?
We source different expert forecasts Savills, Knight Frank, OBR
How often is the data updated?
The data is updated annually when new forecasts are released, typically towards the beginning of the year.
How is the raw data processed?
We calculate a consensus forecast using a simple mean average.